The Idea:

Negative emotions are part of the human experience. If you can’t manage these feelings, minor inconveniences can stick with you all day and ruin your mood.

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Our device is like a time-out clock. When you feel negative emotions, you press a button to give yourself a set amount of time to process them. The light goes on for, say, five minutes. When time is up, the light will start blinking until you attend to it and turn it off. The blinking allows one to ask themselves, am I still angry? If the negative emotions have passed, we can turn off the lights with the red button. If we are still feeling negative emotions, we need to reflect on why the feelings have had an impact on us for so long. Then we can use the knob to increase the duration (second reminder).




After brainstorms and collecting ideas, our group decided to divide the work so that we could improve our efficiency during the limited time. Ophelia was responsible for the programming part. Zoe and I completed the appearance design, assembly and decoration together. Among them, we have encountered many problems, such as the code does not run smoothly, can not find suitable parts and so on. But fortunately, in the end, we all finished it successfully.

Final outcome:






Coding & Circuit diagram

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Screenshot 2021-10-04 at 20.10.24.png

Alternative Use:

When we are busy working while feeling hungry, we sometimes procrastinate and neglect the urge to eat. Then we continue working but not efficiently since our body needs food. We wanted to design a device that helps people face their emotions (hunger, negative thoughts), not in the back of their brain, but visually, using light blinks. We will procrastinate less and overcome our negative emotions.